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#2020年12月英语六级听力真题(第2套)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



1. A) driving test

 B) A video game

C) Traffic routes

D)Cargo logistics


 2. A) He found it instructive and realistic

 B) He bought it when touring Europe

 C)He was really drawn to his other versions.

 D)He introduced it to his brother last year


 3. A) Traveling all over the country

 B) Driving from one city to another

 C)The details in the driving simulator

 D)Thekey role of the logistics industry


 4. A) Clearerroad sign:

 B) More people driving safely

 C)Stricter traffic rules

 D)Moreself-driving trucks on the road


 5. A) It isn't so enjoyable as he expected

 B) It isn't motivating as he believed

 C)It doesn't enable him to earn much money as he used to

 D)It doesn't seem to offer as much freedom as he anticipated


 6. A) Not all of them care about their employees’behaviors

 B) Few of them are aware of their employee's feelings

 C) Few of them offer praise and reward to their employees

 D)Not all of them know how to motivate their employees


 7. A) Job satisfaction

 B) Self-esteem




 8. A) The importance of cultivating close relationship with clients

 B) The need for getting recommendations from their managers

 C)The advantages of permanent full-time employment.

 D)The way to explore employees interest talents


 9. A) Consumersvisualize their activities in different weather

 B) Goodweather triggers consumers' desire to go shopping

 C)Weather conditions influence consumers' buying behavior

 D)Consumers' mental states change with the prices of goods.


 10. A) Activeconsumption

B) Direct correlation

 C)Individual association

 D)Mental visualization


 11. A) Enabling them to simplify their mathematical formulas

 B) Helping them determine what to sell and at what price

 C)Enabling them to sell their products at a higher price

 D)Helping them advertise a greater variety of products


 12. A) A naturally ventilated office is more comfortable

 B) A cool office will boost employee’s productivity

 C)Office air-conditioning should follow guidebooks

 D)Air-conditioning improves ventilation in the office


 13. A) People in their comfort zone of temperature are more satisfied with their productivity

 B) People in different countries vary in their tolerance to uncomfortable temperatures

 C)Twenty-two degrees is the optimal temperature for office workers

 D) There is a range of temperature for people to feel comfortable


 14. A) It will have no negative impact on work

 B) It will be immediate noticeable

 C)It will sharply decrease work efficiency

 D)It will cause a lot of discomfort


 15. A) They tend to favor lower temperatures

 B) They suffer from rapid temperature change

C) They are not bothered by temperature extremes

 D)They become less sensitive to higher temperatures


 16. A)Their obsession with consumption

 B) It ignored the fact that emotions are personal and subjective

 C)It classified emotions simply as either positive or negative

 D)It measured positive and negative emotions independent


 17. A) Sittingalone without doing anything seemed really distressing

 B) Solitudeadversely affected the participants' mental well-being

 C)Sitting alone for 15 minutes made the participants restless

 D)Solitude had a reductive effective on high-arousal emotions


 18.A) It proved hard to depict objectively

 B) It went hand in hand with sadness

 C)It helped increase low-arousal emotions

D)It tended to intensify negative emotions


 19. A) It uses up much less energy than it does in deep thinking

 B) It remains inactive without burning calories noticeably

 C)It continues to burn up calories to help us stay in shape

 D)It consumes almost a quarter of the body's total energy.


 20. A) Much of the consumption has nothing to do with conscious activities

 B) It has something to do with the difficulty of the activities in question

 C)Energy usage devoted to active learning accounts for a big part of it

 D)A significant amount of it is for performing difficult cognitive tasks


 21. A) Itis believed to remain basically constant

 B) It is a prerequisite for any mental activity

 C)It is conducive to relieving mental exhaustion

 D)It is thought to be related to food consumption


 22. A) Job candidates rarely take it seriously

 B) Jobseekers tend to have a ready answer

 C)Jobseekers often feel at a loss where to start in answering it

 D)Job candidates can respond freely due to its, open-ended nature


 23 A) Follow their career coaches’guidelines

 B) Strive to take control of their narrative

 C)Do their best to impress the interviewer.

 D)Repeat the information on their resume


 24. A) To reflect on their past achievements as well as failure

 B) To produce examples for different interview questions.

 C)To discuss important details they are going to present.

 D)To identify a broad general strength to elaborate on


 25. A) Getting acquainted with the human resources personnel

 B) Finding out why the company provides the job Opening

 C)Figuring out what benefits the company is able to offer them

 D Tailoring their expectations to the company's long-term goals





1. B) A video game.                     

2. A) He found it instructive and realistic.

3. C)The details in the driving simulator.

4. B) More people driving safely.

5. D)It doesn't seem to offer as much freedom as he anticipated.

6. D)Not all of them know how to motivate their employees.

7. C)Autonomy.

8. A) The importance of cultivating close relationships with clients.

9. C) Weather conditionsinfluence consumers' buying behavior.

10. D) Mental visualization.

11. B) Helping them determine what to sell and at what price.

12. B) A cool office will boost employees' productivity.

13. D)There is a range of temperatures for people to feelcomfortable.

14. A) It will have no negative impact on work.

15. A) They tend to favor lower temperatures.

16. C) It classified emotions simply as either positive or negative.

17. D) Solitude had a reductive effect on high-arousal emotions.

18. C) It helped increase low-arousal emotions.

19. D) It consumes almost a quarter of the body's total energy.

20. D)A significant amount of it is for performing difficultcognitive tasks.

21. A) It is believed to remain basically constant.

22. C) Job seekers often feel at a loss where to start in answeringit.

23. D) Repeat the information on their resume.

24. B)To produce examples for different interview questions.

25. B) Finding out why the company provides the job opening.




  Q1. 第一题属于整篇文章的主旨题,可以通过复现原则,反复听到文章中出现simulator,video game等单词,而且题干中也出现了driving simulator,所以本题答案不难。

  Q2. 第二题根据中心词可以发现问的是男性对于driving simulator的观点看法,重点听男性的观点。

  通过男性的关键词“how educational and realistic”可以基本推测男性的肯定态度。

  Q3.根据what does the woman say she really appreciates?根据女性重点逻辑词“but”,可以在听的时候重点锁定原词出现句,But I really appreciate all the details that go into the game. It’s even giving me a new appreciation for logistics industry like traffic in the road.

  Q4. But if it results in more drivers looking both ways before entering an intersection. I'd say that is the positive welcome.通过welcome等单词可以推测出女性对于此事物的积极观点。

  Q5. 根据听力问题中的关键词“what is the man say about his life of being of employed?”可知, there be 句型后面出现答案位置。

  Q6. 根据what did the man say about the manager?,定位到原文男性说话处,“manager behave with such awareness and care of course and certainly not all managers have a clue how to motivate

  Q7.根据问题“what you both speakers value most about self employment?”,定位到 I value most is economy for not to sacrifice my prized autonomy by working all hours of the day and by saying yes to every coin request

  回到原文定位听到Two weeks直接勾选即可。

  Q8. -You are right. That's an area I do need to put some more effort into building closer relationships with those



  Q9. 题目问的是“我们能从新的研究发现中得出什么”,文章开头便提到关键词“new study”,可听到“现在一项新的研究揭示了晴天和下雪天是如何影响消费者行为的。这些天气状况会促使消费者在脑海中想象使用与各自天气相关的产品。”因此研究结论需体现“天气”和“消费者行为”或“购买相关产品”的关系。

  Q10. 题目问的是“文章提到什么可以增加产品对消费者的价值?”文章中间提到人们买“beach towel”的例子,后面说道“这种使用毛巾的心理画面增加了产品在消费者心中的价值”,后文的研究结论同样提到“心理画面在晴天和雪天的环境下是有效的,因为这些天气条件与户外活动有正相关。这种效果在雨天是看不见的。”因此答案应与晴天和雪天的“mental picture”有关。

  Q11. 题目问的是“根据研究人员的说法,这项新研究的发现对网上卖家有什么好处呢”,根据“online seller”定位至文章最后,“结合更多的天气数据可以让他们做出更好的决定。这可以促进销售。”因此答案应与“Incorporating more data about weather ”

  Q12. 从but这个表原因的词组中可以找到答案。符合材料中要重视【转折】等提示词的原则。

  Q13. 根据 researchers find ,继续定位与之相关的句子概念。They found that twenty two degrees was probably a little chili even at the height of summer. 注意听力材料中重视【观点】提示词原则。

  Q14.从划线部分可以看出【人们忍受炎热的气温】这个句子,很容易对照出答案。递进词in fact 至关重要,提示你这里的信息要注意。


  Q16. 根据题干中的the early research on solitude,可以定位到听力材料中的第一段。可以推知当与有人陪伴相比,孤独的时候人更容易感到情绪低落。

  Q17. 根据 results of the new research,我们可以做定在This experiment specifically aimed to的后面,由此我们可知新研究旨在发现孤独对高兴奋度情感的影响。

  Q18. 根据 the second experiment可以在关于第二次研究这部分寻找答案。


  该题询问了身体处于休息当中时,大脑会如何运转。根据听力定位技巧,则找到上文划线句子19,便可识别出正确答案为 “the brain uses up a startling 20% to 25% of the body's overall energy”(大脑会惊人地消耗人体整体能量的20%-25%) 。


  该题询问大脑能量的消耗。虽然文中未出现brain consumption,但是却出现了consumption的同义词“usage”和“use up”,则可定位到划线句子(21)的位置,该题为典型的听力同义词转换,若平时多注重词汇多积累该题并不难回答。




  本次听力讲座的文本难度偏难,题源为Live Science 2019年文章 How Many Calories Can the Brain Burn by Thinking?该文章主要以国际象棋冠军引出人身体在休息时也会消耗大量能量。三道题当中19、21听到关键词进行定位便可得出正确答案,20题则需要同义词知识储备。虽整体听力便难,但想得到正确答案却相对简单。

  Q22: 此题属于理解归纳题,整个第一个段落都是在讲tell me about yourself的说法,根据「关键字对照」「同义词替换」找到意思相同的一项即可。

  Q23: 注意as 这个表示「因为」提示词,并定位关键句可以找到相关的句子。

  Q24: 根据「注意第三者出现的句子的原则」关注这个friends,partners等人物,可以找到相关的选项。

  Q25:根据「关注if条件句原则」可以定位到这一段,并找到ought to这个should的同义词。这样就可以找到答案。






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